The Toxic Avenger

The film which began it all (or at least, the unstoppable rise of Troma in the Olympus of Exploitation film culture). Fitness crazes, hedonism and Reaganomics govern the United States in the mid-eighties. It is not a good time for Melvin, a humble cleaning-man. The shy young man is constantly humiliated and degraded, until one day, on the run from bullies, he falls out the window and headfirst into a barrel of radioactive waste. Melvin dies; the Toxic Avenger, hero of underdogs and champion of the disenfranchised, is born. The first big hit of Kaufman & Herz: a quintessential picture of the trashy state of the USA in the eighties, as respectful as it is shameless. A modern classic!
Featuring: Special Guest Lloyd Kaufman in attendance.
Part of the TROMASTERPIECES special.
Sa, 20.09. | 1AM* – Filmcasino