The fifth anniversary-confusion Zombie Walk!

You cannot have a /slash-jubilee festival year without staggering undead! From 3pm+, future Zombies will gather in Raum D @ Museumsquartier, where you will be provided with a “masquerade in the face”, courtesy of the professional make-up artists from WIFI Vienna. Zombification galore, only: first come, first served! If you arrive too late, there is still the “self-Zombiefication” station available with some basic makeup to make your face look more putrid.
Once everyone is all made-up and un-beautified (and the clock strikes 7), there will be a short introduction from the monochrome Zombie papa himself, Roland Gratzer. And then we will begin marching toward the Filmcasino, where the 20 most beautiful of the undead will win free tickets for the screening of SUBURBAN GOTHIC at 8:30pm. Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.
Fr, 19.09. | from 3PM – MQ/Raum D