The ABCs of Death 2

In the eternal struggle against illiteracy, it can sometimes do some good to repeat the ABCs. In this second infusion of world-spanning, high-concept horror (produced as a series of 26 short films), the most beautiful thing in the cinema is at the heart: Death.
In the eclectic directorial roster this time round are many /slash-favourites: these include Aaron Keshales & Navot Papushado (RABIES, BIG BAD WOLVES), Erik Matti (TIK TIK), Todd Rohal (THE CATECHISM CATACLYSM); among this year’s festival guests are Julien Maury & Alexandre Bustillo (AMONG THE LIVING), Jerome Sable (STAGE FRIGHT), EL Katz (CHEAP THRILLS), and Marvin Kren (RAMMBOCK, BLUTGLETSCHER). Consider this our gift to you, to celebrate the last five years of the /slash film festival! With special guest in attendance: Marvin Kren.
…from about 10PM onwards, we will celebrate the end of the fifth /slash-party in Club U and have our DJs conjure up some magical musical goodness, while we make toasts to (and dance with) all of you! Everybody’s welcome!
Supporting film LE MEAT
Sa, 27.09. | 8:30PM – Filmcasino