Rhinoplasty B.E.A.S.T.I.A.L.I.T.Y. /slash Teenwolf Special
Fr, 26.09. | from 12AM*

Reminiscing over Ulrich Seidl’s brilliant documentary TIERISCHE LIEBE and in keeping with the night’s Werewolf theme RHINOPLASTY is exploring ANIMAL MAGNETISM in it’s purest, archaic, unadulterated and adolescent form. So don some torn Lacrosse-gear and celebrate the mysterious allure of SIDEBURNS, MONOBROWS and GRATUITOUS TEENAGE NUDITY there you’re an ALPHA, BETA or OMEGA, rip off those societal constraints, howl with us at the moon and nibble on some NUBILE BODIES!!!!
When and where?
Fr, 26.09. | from 12AM* – Club U (1., Künstlerhauspassage / Karlsplatz)
Fr, 26.09. | from 12AM* – Club U (1., Künstlerhauspassage / Karlsplatz)