Im Keller

What you no longer need, you put away in the cellar. However, when something is important, but not socially acceptable, it can also be hidden away there. IM KELLER (“In the Cellar”) tells the stories of people who pursue their passions and obsessions in secret. From model railways and cellar bars, to giant snakes in terrariums and hobby radio operators searching out their own private contact with the outside world; operatic arias rise and fall in vaulted cellars deep underground; exposed flesh is beaten; lusty shrieks are followed by gunshots and silence. Ulrich Seidl’s art is to both show and tell that which nobody actually wants to see or hear. The supposedly ugly meets the superficially unbearable, on the open stage of this film, providing universal (if potentially unsavory) tableaux, which are the hallmark of the artistry of this unique Austrian director.
As if it were a sort of emotional alchemy, Seidl’s film risks transforming centrism and placidity into rage and turmoil: this only works because he searches and finds humanity in dark places where others would only find monsters.
IM KELLER will celebrate its Austrian premiere as part of the /slash film festival, with both Ulrich Seidl and the film team in attendance. Following the film, there will be a small “Opening party” with chez del at the venue!
Th, 18.09. | 8PM – Gartenbaukino