Creatures Of The Night
Night Tour in the Zoological Gardens of Schönbrunn
Fr, 26.09. | 8PM

Registration is closed. We reached the maxiumum number of regular participants and waiting list spaces.
Experience the Zoo at night!
Equipped with Swarovski light-amplifiers, and under the expert guidance of the Night Tour, we will stalk the dark realm of sleeping and nocturnal zoo animals. Obligatory: a stop by the wolf enclosure, and then we’ll stop to check whether the hippos can really always sleep when egyptian fruit bats are constantly fluttering over their heads. And then, of course, there are always the bears.
When and where?
Fr, 26.09. | 8PM – Tiergarten Schönbrunn | 13., Maxingstraße 13b
Fr, 26.09. | 8PM – Tiergarten Schönbrunn | 13., Maxingstraße 13b