All the majesty of Super 8! – Hosted By Christian Fuchs
Th, 25.09. | from 10PM

Free entry!
Once upon a time, even before Super-VHS and VHS, there was something and it was special. Rattling projectors, reels of flying film, foldable screens on which one could find oneself watching either Papa’s next vacation movie or the next wonderful monstrosity (or both).
FM4-editor and House-of-Pain mastermind Christian Fuchs is hosting a small and charming evening with these “home-theatres of HORROR”. Abstract legendary works of Super 8 will be presented, in which Linda Blair pukes and David Hasselhoff fights with laser swords. In between there will be PSYCHOKILLER, a substandard flick of Styrian zombie carnage, from the 80s.
When and where?
Th, 25.09. | from 10PM – Celeste (5., Hamburgerstraße 18)
Th, 25.09. | from 10PM – Celeste (5., Hamburgerstraße 18)